Adelaide, South Australia

Artist Statement

Born in South Australia in 1972, Sally completed a Bachelor of Visual Communication (Honours) in 1994, majoring in printmaking and illustration. Fast forward more than 20 years, Sally went on to establish a high profile Design and Marketing consultancy firm here in Adelaide, South Australia.

Her love of printmaking stems from a reaction against the digital, the mass-produced and overexposure to advertising. To use print as a way of making art – every time you lift that bit of paper off the plate you never know what you are going to get.

She regularly teaches small group workshops, empowering students with her relaxed and humorous sessions. Sally loves to see people's confidence bloom as the realisation takes hold that they, too, can be creative.  The joy that participants get from taking home their own meaningful piece of art at the end of the day is a great motivator for her.

Images of Work


Relief and intaligo, mark-making and breaking the printmaking rules.

Favorite Products

Where do I start.

Intaglio work.
Akua safe wash inks with intense colour, they are just delicious.

Relief work.

My number one love would have to be the soft rubber brayers. My all time precious roller is the 1.5”. I just love this little guy for adding small splashes of colour. I personally don’t think you can have enough of these little guys in your kit!

For workshops the pop-in soft rubber brayers are the greatest, so easy to clean especially matched with the professional water wash up relief inks!