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Thoughts on the Creative Process

In the best of moments the creative process is largely a right-brain activity. The concept of being “in the zone,” is a place where action simply happens. The mark I’m making did not come from thought but rather as an instantaneous response to the last mark I made.  And the color I choose seems to...more » Thoughts on the Creative Process

Visocosity Monotypes with Akua Inks

This zoom presentation outlines the basic concepts and demonstrates how Akua inks can be used in viscosity printmaking. You will learn how to use modifiers to adjust the viscosity of inks and how to test your process to obtain perfect results. This 2 hour interactive demo includes questions from participants followed by optional 30 minute...more » Visocosity Monotypes with Akua Inks

Photopolymer Mixed Media Printing Techniques

There are many different ways to use your photopolymer plates (ImagOn, KM, Solarplate, etc). This includes a variety of methods of inking and printing single impressions, adding color and integrating plates of different sizes into larger compositions. You will learn about relief rolling, ‘A la poupe’e, duo-tone, and simple background printing. Using the registration grid (recommended) on...more » Photopolymer Mixed Media Printing Techniques

Intensive Monotype – The Full Online Workshop

This comprehensive online workshop includes six demo and discussion sessions over a nine day period as well as two hours of individualized “confer ‘n critique” sessions. Participants will work in their own studios during this period. The six demo and discussion sessions will cover Intro to Monotype and Printing; Chine Colle; Trace Monotype; Veil and Textures; Viscosity; and a final wrap-up and...more » Intensive Monotype – The Full Online Workshop

Carving Clinic – Virtual Workshop

Ever look at someone’s Insta-perfect carve and wonder how they do it? Let’s spend 90 minutes together on Zoom and practice a few different techniques to improve your carving skills. Bring a design or image transferred onto linoleum, rubber or vinyl, some scraps to practice on and a variety of gouges and we can work...more » Carving Clinic – Virtual Workshop

Monotype: Shapes, Lines and Colors

Art Center Sarasota 707 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL, United States

This workshope explores stencils, stamps, and other ways to create a finished print.  Color mixing and layering will also be explores.