Printmaking with Carey James
Armory Center for the Arts 145 N Raymond Avenue, Pasadena, CA, United States`This introduction to printmaking will be held every Tuesday evening from 6:30pm-9:00pm. Register at
`This introduction to printmaking will be held every Tuesday evening from 6:30pm-9:00pm. Register at
The format of this five-week series allows time for participants to develop individual print projects. Each day of the workshop begins with a demonstration of a printmaking technique. Learn how...more » Tuesday Morning Monotype
This workshop will introduce a variety of non-toxic intaglio techniques that substitute for the more toxic methods often associated with etching and aquatint. Collagraph, silk aquatint, carborundum aquatint, drypoint, mezzotint,...more » Intaglio Alternatives with Meaghan Morrow
This is going to be Speedball’s best NCECA yet! Boasting the most diverse and impressive line-up of demonstrators of any NCECA, we’re bound to have something that tickles your...more » NCECA 2018 Tradeshow
This two-day semi-private workshop in my Portland studio covers the various steps of the Encaustic Collagraph technique that I pioneered, more from a painter's point of view. You will learn...more » Encaustic Collagraph Monoprinting with Elise Wagner
This workshop is designed to introduce monotype, linoleum block printing, drypoint and collagraph. Each week for 30 minutes, the focus will be on the history of each medium along with...more » Introduction to Printmaking with Meaghan Morrow
Come by to get new lesson plans on screen printing, gel printing and more all while hearing creative tips and tricks from professional printmaker and educator, Amy Nack. Don’t forget...more » NAEA 2018 Tradeshow
Intended as a sequel to the previous weekend workshop, deepen and broaden your expectations by pushing the limits of monotype and monoprint using Akua Intaglio inks. A matrix is only...more » Bending the Rules: Unorthodox Monotype and Monoprint
Have you ever felt inspired by the work of Paul Klee? Does the soft suggestion of ground and form combined with narrative or abstract line drawings speak to you? Learn...more » Paul Klee / Transfer Drawing