Diana Eicher
St. Paul, MN
Mort Eicher is the Printshop and Paper Studio Coordinator at the Minneapolis College of Art and has taught at the University of Hawaii, the Honolulu Printmaking Workshop, the Minnesota Center for Book Arts, the Bloomington Art Center, the Honolulu Academy of Arts, the Textile Center of Minnesota and the Oxbow School of Art– the summer school of the Art Institute of Chicago. A portfolio collaboration organized by Eicher was accepted to the permanent collection of the University of the West of England’s Centre for Fine Print Research and was also donated to the Tubman and Bridges to Safety Centers in the Twin Cities. She has exhibited work at Donghua University in Shanghai, China, and the Museum of Printing History in Houston, Texas. Eicher recently received a Surface Design Association grant for personal development. Shortly after, her article “Versatile Stencils,” which described her research on Tyvek as a stencil for screenprinting, was published in the British magazine Printmaking Today. She has her BA from the University of California and an MFA from University of Hawaii