Lille, France

Thomas Berthier is a screen-printing artist born in 1980 in the North of France.

He studied at the “École supérieure des arts décoratifs de Strasbourg” (the Strasbourg School of Decorative Arts), where he specialized in graphic communication. Over the course of his studies, Thomas discovers in screen printing the perfect vehicle to express and liberate his creative energy.  After almost 15 years of working independently to create visual and graphic art, Thomas launched his own artisanal screen-printing studio in 2018. Using dynamic combinations of graphics, illustration and divergence, Thomas Berthier uses paper and ink to create a singular, extemporaneous and poetic world.

“I discovered in screen printing a marvelous means of expression where wefts, solid colors and graphics combine to generate truly original works.  The deep black obtained with screen printing inks works so well with vivid and dynamic colors.  Screen printing is a visionary technique – each project evokes new ideas, discoveries and challenges – this is what makes screen printing a such a distinctive…and such a passionate medium.”

Images of Work


Screen Printing