Making our Way to See Big Tex!
Home » Making our Way to See Big Tex!

BIG things are in the works for this year's Southern Graphics show for Speedball. Our booth in Dallas will be brimming with activity with printing demonstrations from Carlos Hernandez, Bill Fick and Lili Arnold. What Bill & Carlos' commemorative Southern Graphics print come to life or see how Lili creates her stunning works using the Speedball Etching Press and Professional Relief Inks. Want to get a little inky? Then hop over to the Akua booth to become a part of the amazing stop animation project that will be created during the show with the help of Susan Rostow and Christina Pumo.
Best yet, Speedball is SO EXCITED to be kicking off it's biggest and best artist partnership project to date with the launch of the Speedball Print Posse. Don't miss out on your chance to meet a selection of the participating artists, learn more about what the Posse Program has in store for the year ahead AND pick up some SWEET Posse swag!
Interested in the stop animation collaboration? Learn more here!